Hello Friends, Come On... Let’s learn about Bubble Sort...


>One of the characteristics of the bubble sort is that it is easy to understand and it’s easy to program it.
>The basic idea underlying the bubble sort is to pass through the file sequentially several times.
>Each pass consist of comparing each element in the file with it’s next element and interchanging if they are not in proper order.(i.e. Comparison between x[i] and x[i+1] ).

> Consider an example.

>The following comparisons are made on the first pass
x[0] with x[1]            (85 with 75)              Interchange
(It becomes 75  85  65  110  120  77)
x[1] with x[2]            (85 with 65)              Interchange
(It becomes 75  65  85  110  120  77)
x[2] with x[3]           (85 with 110)             No Interchange
(It becomes 75  65  85  110  120  77)
x[3] with x[4]           (110 with 120)           No Interchange
(It becomes 75  65  85  110  120  77)
x[4] with x[5]           (120 with 77)            Interchange
(It becomes 75  65  85  110  77  120)

>Thus after the first pass, the file is in the following order:

>After getting the first pass’s result, notice that the largest element (i.e 120 in this example) is in its proper position within the array.
>Hence in general the ‘x[n-1]’ will be in it’s proper position after ‘i’ iterations. (Here ‘n’ denotes the number of elements in array).
>The method is called the bubble sort because each number slowly “bubbles” up to it’s proper position.

>Now after the second pass the order of the file will be:

>Notice that 110 has now found it’s way to the second highest position.
>Hence from this we can state that since each iteration place a new element at it’s proper place/position; a file of ‘n’ elements requires ‘maximum’ of (n-1) iterations. i.e. as in this example there are 6 elements so total 5 iterations would be made to solve this example.

>See the complete list of the iterations that occur in this example:
Original File:            85  75  65  110  120  77
Iteration 1                75  65  85  110  77  120
Iteration 2               65  75  85  77  110  120
Iteration 3               65  75  77  85  110  120
Iteration 4               65  75  77  85  110  120
Iteration 5               65  75  77  85  110  120

>Thus, as the iterations proceeds simultaneously one-by-one the elements gets positioned at the right place.
>Thus, due to this reason these sorted elements would not be considered in the succeeding iterations. i.e. on the first pass,(n-1) comparisons are made, on the second pass,(n-2) comparisons are made and so on and at the last only 1 comparison is done between x[0] and x[1].
>Thus, due to this the process speeds up as it proceeds through the successive passes.

>Now recall that earlier we have stated that maximum (n-1) passes are required to sort the given (n-1) unsorted elements.
>However see in this example of 6 elements that we discussed earlier, the file is already sorted after 3 iterations making the last 2 iterations unnecessary.
>Thus to eliminate unnecessary passes we must be able to detect the fact that the file is already sorted.

>So, Let’s see the Pseudo-Code for the Bubble Sort.
BubbleSort(A[ ],n)
         for j<-0 to n-1          //It controls the no. of passes
         //Initially no interchange have been made on the pass
                 Change <- 0
         //Inner loop governs each individual pass
                 for i<- 0 to n-k-1
                          if(A[i] > A[i+1])
                                           Swap(A[i], A[i+1])
                                           Change <- 1
//As the values are interchanged change value is changed to 1
/*Checks whether any value was interchanged in that particular pass*/

>Time Complexity
Best Case :               O(n)
Average Case :         O(n^2)
Worst Case :            O(n^2)

