Hello Friends, Come On... Let’s learn about Bubble Sort...
>One of
the characteristics of the bubble sort is that it is easy to understand and
it’s easy to program it.
basic idea underlying the bubble sort is to pass through the file sequentially
several times.>Each pass consist of comparing each element in the file with it’s next element and interchanging if they are not in proper order.(i.e. Comparison between x[i] and x[i+1] ).
> Consider an example.
>The following comparisons are made on the first
x[0] with x[1] (85 with 75) Interchange
(It becomes 75 85
65 110 120
x[1] with x[2] (85 with 65) Interchange
(It becomes 75 65
85 110 120
x[2] with x[3] (85 with 110) No Interchange
(It becomes 75 65
85 110 120
x[3] with x[4] (110 with 120) No Interchange
(It becomes 75 65
85 110 120
x[4] with x[5] (120 with 77) Interchange
(It becomes 75 65
85 110 77
>Thus after the first pass, the file is in the
following order:
>After getting the first pass’s
result, notice that the largest element (i.e 120 in this example) is in its
proper position within the array.
>Hence in general the ‘x[n-1]’ will be in it’s
proper position after ‘i’ iterations. (Here ‘n’ denotes the number of elements
in array).
>The method is called the bubble
sort because each number slowly “bubbles” up to it’s proper position.
>Now after the second pass the
order of the file will be:
>Notice that 110 has now found
it’s way to the second highest position.
>Hence from this we can state that
since each iteration place a new element at it’s proper place/position; a file
of ‘n’ elements requires ‘maximum’ of (n-1) iterations. i.e. as in this example
there are 6 elements so total 5 iterations would be made to solve this example.
>See the complete list of the iterations that occur
in this example:
Original File: 85 75
65 110 120 77
Iteration 1 75 65 85
110 77 120
Iteration 2 65 75 85
77 110 120
Iteration 4 65 75 77 85 110 120
Iteration 5 65 75 77
85 110 120
>Thus, as the iterations proceeds
simultaneously one-by-one the elements gets positioned at the right place.
>Thus, due to this reason these
sorted elements would not be considered in the succeeding iterations. i.e. on
the first pass,(n-1) comparisons are made, on the second pass,(n-2) comparisons are made and so on and at the last only 1 comparison is done
between x[0] and x[1].
>Thus, due to this the process
speeds up as it proceeds through the successive passes.
>Now recall that earlier we have stated that
maximum (n-1) passes are required to sort the given (n-1) unsorted elements.
>However see in this example of 6
elements that we discussed earlier, the file is already sorted after 3
iterations making the last 2 iterations unnecessary.
>Thus to eliminate unnecessary
passes we must be able to detect the fact that the file is already sorted.
>So, Let’s see the Pseudo-Code for the Bubble Sort.
BubbleSort(A[ ],n)
for j<-0
to n-1 //It controls the no. of passes
//Initially no
interchange have been made on the pass
Change <- 0
//Inner loop
governs each individual pass
for i<- 0 to
> A[i+1])
<- 1
//As the
values are interchanged change value is changed to 1
whether any value was interchanged in that particular pass*/
>Time Complexity
Best Case : O(n)
Average Case : O(n^2)
Worst Case : O(n^2)
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